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Acknowledgement of Country

We pay our respects to the Traditional custodians of country, to the Elders, past and present. We acknowledge today’s Aboriginal community on all of lutruwita, who are the custodians of this island, and we recognise their continuing connection to land, waters, and culture. Always was, always will be.


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Tips for a greate Maker listing

Submitting a listing with the Fermentasmania Trade Network will put you on centre stage in front of national and international buyers looking to purchase Tasmania's finest in fermented food and beverages. Joining the directory is free and only take a few moments to complete.

To add your business to the Makers directory, first register here and then go to add your listing.

Please read these tips below before you proceed. For any further assistance please contact us at

Adding your Listing


Make sure to choose Maker as your Listing Type (required)


Business Details
  1. Name (required) - Put the name of your business
  2. Primary Business Address - This is important if you serve customers at your location. If you don't, you can still include your address for informational purposes but it is not required.
  3. Region - Which area of Tasmania are you located. This will help people find local listings (North, East, West, South, Tasmanian Islands)
  4. Primary Category - This is the main category for your business. It will appear on search results
  5. Secondary Category - If any other categories fit, you can choose up to three.


Business Description (required)

Describe your business or service in a few paragraphs. You don’t need to add links here, they will be added later. If you paste from another program make sure to use the clear formatting tool.


Contact Details (optional)
  1. Phone number - your primary business phone number
  2. Email address
  3. Website URL
  4. Primary Online Shop URL - If you have an online shop


Social links (optional)

Enter the links to each of your social media accounts. Make sure to put in the full URL including https://.


Cover Image (required)

This image will be visible in the search results. Do not add a logo here, but a picture of your business, service or something relevant. A landscape picture (wider than it is tall) in a standard photo format (jpg, png, gif) that is less than 4MB but is at least 600px by 600px.


Gallery images

Add up to 10 more images of your business or services here. Users will be able to view the images in a gallery.

Once you press submit you can preview your listing. From here you can save a draft of the listing to amend it further or send it to a What’s On Cardinia Admin for approval. Once approved it will be live.


Updating your Listing

You can see all of your listings under My Listings. From here you can choose to Edit your event or Reject it to unpublish it. If you have more than one listing they will all be listed here.

Listing statuses are:

  • Live - Approved listing publicly available
  • Draft - A listing that has not been submitted to Admins for approval.
  • Rejected - A listing that has been reviewed and rejected by an Admin

For other questions please visit our Help and FAQs page or contact us at